Thursday, December 8, 2011

new life at Seoul. :)

Things I love about my new life

1. I have a job. (well, thank god times like this)
2. I like what I do at work. (so far, so good!)
3. I like almost all people I work with (there is always exceptions. :( )
4. I LOVE my mom’s food which now I have full access to it!!! (very important!)

Things I do not love about my new life
1. No time for kitchen!
2. No time for kitchen!!
3. No time for kitchen!!!
4. Still, no cat. (Sigh----!)

I am buying cookbooks instead, dreaming about trying them one day. Hopefully the day will come soon enough so I can maintain my sanity.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Find my way back to kitchen

Now days, I moved back to Seoul, meaning I am living with the best cook in ther world: my mom. She is a goddess, and I, her humble follower is not allowed to mass with her sacred place: the kitchen.
Sometimes it almost seem like a dream what I have done in Boston.
One thing I misses most, surprise surprise, not the kitchen but the planters I had. The weather is so perfect for the gardening but I am stuck in the office (for saving the world!) and have no space even for a planter.
As I always complained snobbishly, I work to live but work doesn't work for life: it tends to leave very small room for life. :(

So it happened: my lovely blog is abandoned. But I was surprised today, pleasantly, someone in Japan was also reading my blog. :) How are you there??

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A day.

I am currently back in Seoul, enjoying and appreciating all the things I no longer take granted: Mother, Brother, lovely meals, and peaceful life.

It was so fine and beautiful in Seoul. I enjoyed the weather and my friend's company, attended service at church and now wrapping up the weekend. This, the peace I feel, seems almost cruel, considering the distance between Seoul and the places which the earthquake and tsunami had destroyed.

There are lots of trees are falling not so silently these days. we can see and feel the things half way around the globe. I don't know if it is a good thing or bad thing. most of us know by now, the terror of earthquake is still lingering. I can not believe my eyes whenever the news flashes the scenes. No word can do justice to this. Anything would be almost arrogant. But I do wish to say, with all my heart, all those affected are find strength to back up and to continue to appreciate life.